Saturday morning I hurriedly ran to my closet, reached on in and grabbed what I thought was my pair of knee-high brown dress boots. I was running a bit behind schedule and was already suppose to have been at my friend's house to pick her up to head to T.C. for a day of shopping. To save on time I didn't bother to turn on the lights and check myself in the full-length mirror. Krysta and I get to the Grand Traverse Mall and start our fun day of was GREAT!!! I didn't go into any dressing rooms or look into any mirrors until the very last store that we were going to go into before leaving the G.T. Mall and heading to our next dining and shopping destinations. Krysta and I had both gone into the dressing room to try stuff on, so I took one boot off at a time and sat them behind me eager to try on this cute dress. I put the dress on and step out in the hall so that Krysta and I could critic each others outfit...smilling and laughing I step back to my dressing room, swing the door back open and then I see something that made my eyes bulge out and jaw drop to the my complete horror there sits two boots of different color!!!!! One brown boot and one black boot....Ahhhhhh!!!!! And then it hit me...that was the reason a number of people were looking at me with HUGE grins and laughter in their eyes...including the shoe salesman from a store earlier (no I hadn't tried any on - they were out of my size in the shoe I was looking at). Well, I promptly left the dressing room and kicked it into high gear making my way over to the shoe dept. I found a pair of leopard print shoes that I thought were cute, so I bought those and put them on ASAP!!!
Krysta and I left the mall and went to Olive Garden for lunch...yeah, we pigged out BIG TIME!!! :o) After lunch it was time to shop again, so off we went. However, my heels were getting quite sore from the new shoes, so I said "forget this, I'm buying flip-flops!" So, to the shoe dept. I wobbled and found a pair of glorified flip-flops and went around looking like an idiot wearing those kind of shoes in February in N. MI!!
Ah well, it was a Great Day none-the-less!! I ended up buying a few shirts and then the stuff pictured below...didn't go too crazy ;-)
Those shoes match my purse perfectly, don'cha think?
Love the VW bag!
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